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The shirt for the ceremony suit

La camicia per l'abito da cerimonia

Choosing the right shirt for your formal dress requires special attention to some fundamental details. The collar, the cuffs, the construction and finally the fabric will be the distinctive elements that will best enhance your outfit.
This short 7-step guide will help you choose the right dress. From models to fabrics to the most suitable accessories for your composition.
Step 3

The shirt for the ceremony dress


The neck:

Diplomatic Neck
Its unmistakable shape perfectly matches the bow tie, tie or silk plastron.
The strictly white shirt with a diplomatic collar is reserved for gala events and important ceremonies. The only choice if you wear a tuxedo.
Shirt with diplomatic collar combined with the plastron
Italian collar
The neck par excellence in the Italian style. It is immediately recognized by the more closed ends. Shirts with Italian collar are characterized by their extreme versatility, preferring the smaller tie knots.
French collar
Definitely a refined and contemporary choice. The French collar has points that open towards the shoulders and goes perfectly with a Windsor, half Windsor knot.
He prefers jackets with a peaked or classic collar or lapel.
Perfect for the day ceremony to combine with the half tight and the classic men's suit in very fine wool.
Semi French collar
The perfect compromise between the French and the Italian neck. The two points open towards the shoulders with more moderation. We can therefore define it as a very versatile collar that perfectly matches all the knots of the tie.
Perfect with the half tight and with the classic men's suit in very fine wool.

The Cuff:

The shirts for men's ceremony with French cuff are a must for formal and solemn events. So let's see two proposals that perfectly match the tuxedo and the half tight.
French cuff for classic cufflinks
The ceremony shirt is always equipped with a cuff with buttonholes designed to accommodate the cufflinks. The classic cuff is rectangular, to be folded back on itself with 4 buttonholes in which the cufflink will be inserted.
The best choice if you are wearing a tuxedo or half tight .
Double use French cuff
The double-use cuff can be used with cufflinks or with the classic mother of pearl button.
A great alternative if you have not yet decided which path to take.
The fabric:
The two important things to consider when choosing the fabric for the shirt are the color and the composition.
The men's formal shirt is to be chosen strictly in white cotton in double twisted twill to guarantee the tightness of the shirt throughout the day and to avoid the creased effect of too light and not very consistent fabrics not suitable for the most exciting moments.
In linen for the Country Chic ceremony.
The final touch of class is adding your initials or wedding date to the chest or cuff of your shirt.

Discover the entire Modesto Bertotto Ceremony collection

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